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Husbands, 5 Phrases That Will Turn Your Wife On

12 November 2014

What man doesn’t desire more intimate time with his wife? s*x is a healthy and necessary part of marriage. Without it, some marriages greatly suffer and frequently fail. Your goal, as a couple, should be not to ever allow that to happen.

Women, your husbands desire to touch you, kiss you, feel you. They’re men and the need for their s*xual appetite to be filled is great. However, I recognize there are quite a few factors that affect intimacy in a relationship. It could range from health issues to simply being too drained or unfortunately not interested enough to make s*x happen on a consistent basis. Husbands, with that being said, you have a responsibility as well. It’s not enough to simply desire intimacy with your wife, you’ll have to take a few positive actions in order for it to become more of a constant reality. Women have to feel desired, relaxed and excited about making love to their husbands. Men, you actually have more control over that than you think.

A loving kiss, gentle touch (in all the right places) are the easy turn ons for both women and men. However husbands, there are also a few simple phrases that could create the type of stimulation your wife needs. Here are 5:

1. “I’ll do those dishes”
One of the biggest reasons a wife isn’t always excited about intimacy is because she is too damn tired. Working a job or working in the home, raising a family and managing a household can be tiring. Anytime a husband can relieve his wife of one of her many responsibilities, the better. If you free her up with one of her tasks, she can make room for something a little more exciting, like s*x with her husband.

2. “Damn you fine!”
Husbands, sometimes your wife doesn’t feel as sexy as she should. Compliments from you that remind her of just how beautiful, sexy and desired she is, usually results in her wanting to demonstrate just how sexy she really is. The way you look at her should show how much you desire her

3. “I’ll take the kids out for a little while so you can have some time to yourself.”
Wives need “me time” but won’t always ask for it. If you notice your wife seems a little frazzled, step up and give her some time alone. Her ability to regroup increases your chances of getting some.

4. “Can I rub your feet, your back, or wash your hair, etc.,”
Basically asking what can I do to help you relax will mean so much to your wife. Your being attentive and taking action will be sexy to your wife. When she sees you as sexy, it’s a turn on big time.

5. “Get dressed. I’ve planned a surprise date night.”
Telling your wife you’ve planned a night out, handled the babysitter and all she has to do is get dressed will turn her on in a way you can’t even imagine.
Husbands, the bottom line is that wives want to be considered. We want our husbands to recognize what we need and take action. Surprises are nice, touch feels awesome but you taking notice and relieving some of the daily pressures your wife feels is extremely sexy and could definitely lead you to that bedroom quicker than you ever thought.


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