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Rapper!, Chet Haze the Son of Tom Hanks Hollywood Star, was put in rehab for cocaine addition

26 November 2014

Over the summer, we learned that Chet was uncontrollable and  was a "huge embarrassment" to his folks,
It was assumed this had to do with his chosen career, but it turns out there was something worse than the story assumed,
On his Facebook post earlier this week, Chet revealed that he recently completed a lengthy rehab stint.
"I've been struggling with substance abuse since I was 16 years old," Haze writes. "Finally at the age of 24 I decided to get some help."
"With 50 days of sobriety under my belt, I can honestly say I'm the happiest I've ever been...I've been blessed with the programs of AA and NA which allow me to rise above this disease...Thank you for all the love and support. GOD IS REAL!!!"
Friends say he began to lose control of his life months ago when he graduated from marijuana to cocaine.
"Chet developed a problem with cocaine this year," says one source. "He always a big pot smoker, but I never thought he'd go in that direction."
See more photos  below!..

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