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Sex Toys Are Fast Becoming More Fashionable In Nigeria - Onyinye Orabuike

25 November 2014

Is it my Imagination or is sex toys fast becoming fashionable?

Certainly not all women use dildo and sex toys for sexual gratification. But the realization that the number of people that indulge in such pastime may be much higher than I had imagined came as a rude shock.  Much as I have tried, I have not been able to grasp what on earth could be the cause.

The discovery was quiet accidental. Sometime last week, I came across a face book post in a wonderful women group that I joined. Someone advertised a dildo, with several pictures, and she really did a good job of demonstrating its unique features and benefits.

She said it is quite as great as the real thing, if not better. She explained that she had used it and testified that it was fun.  I would have thought it all very funny but what baffled me was the number of people that were requesting for it, and from what I could see, they were not kidding.

My first thought was could this be real?  Considering that we are in Africa, Nigeria. The people requesting for this were normal women like me. I think I was more taken aback that they were ordering for it as though there was no novelty about it.

This is because the seller included a number in which she could be reached, and I bet myself, the number that must have called to order secretly would be much more than those that posted their order on the comment thread.

I have no issue with this as it should be expected, but what got me asking questions was those ones that ordered and posted comments with their real identity.

Now here is my confusion, women from time to time feel the need for sex, this is normal, though I want to believe that women posses more restraint than most men, moreover no matter how unattractive a woman is, there are bound to be more than enough men willing to satisfy her sexual desires at any point in time. So why the increasing preference for this new method?

Could it also be that their sexual partners are not giving them enough pleasure? Could that really be the reason?  Very unlikely. Wouldn’t it be easier and more rewarding for a woman whose husband is not performing to seek for a secret lover instead of a self manipulated toy or is there now a toy that can hug, kiss and mutter sweet nothings into a woman’s ear?

The more I wonder about this, the more I begin to feel old fashioned, self righteous and hypocritical.  Of course I have always known that there exist people who for one reason or the other prefer and enjoy the use of sex toys but really thought that they are in the minority. I didn’t like the feeling that those that think of it as not the usual thing may actually be viewed as not just the exceptions but as hypocritical prudes.

Is it that people no longer consider such pastime sinful or wired?  There was this sex toy shop that opened at Ikeja some years back, I said to myself the first time I saw it that they would soon close shop for lack of customers. I was surprised when I saw that it remained open years after, and I knew I had been wrong.

It is either our values are changing with such unprecedented speed or I am getting old fashioned rather too fast. None of the above suppositions make me feel very good.

By Onyinye Orabuike

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