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Am sleeping with my Husband's Younger sister!..

9 December 2014

Hi Naijazine!,

I am 37 years Old with a kid, i married my Best friends elder brother, I will explain in details how it all started. 

I and Lilian were friends from collage, she has always been the amazing one, Lilian was stylish, smart and knows her way arround the opposite sex, she works with the government while I worked at a private firm, we were both successful, but soon Lilian got worried for me, seeing I culdnt have a man, I wasn't so worried because this was not new to me, more over I put must of my time to my work, to meet my targets, aside from girls outings I see my work as fun!,

Soon I went out on various dates with guys 'Lilian hooked up for me' with time I went back to the single me, since none of them was suitable, or rather I was'nt what they wanted..

Months later,  Lilian begged me to accompanying her to her elder brothers birthday, before now I knew she had an elder brothers, but we both hardly talk about families, it's either business, work, relationships and other female gossips.. Finally I followed Lilian to this birthday party, she introduced me to her elder Brother as her Best friend and I was shocked when Lilian bluntly told her brother to hook me up with any of his nice friends since her Best friend is always invincible in occations like this, I was so ashamed of my in ability to get a man of my own by myself, after the introductions Lilian disappeared into the crowd, I was left sitting alone, the only person I knew In the party was Lilian's little sister 'Amanda'.. She came arround we chatted alittle and she left,.. 

I kept texting Lilian and reminding her how soon I will be leaving since I was beginning to feel alittle uncomfortable, Lilian got back dragging her elder brother's hand and she handed his hands over to mine, I just sat down smiling, her show wasn't new to me, I was trying to avoid more of Lilian's display when I raised my hands and held her brother's hand "please make her stay" that was Lilian's exact words and she left.

I and her brother talked about a lot of things, including personal stuffs, and that was it...

We dated for two years, Lilian was cool with this since she knows me enough to be good for her brother, 
Soon we got married and I became a family to my Best friend Lilian..

Few years  leter Amanda was to visit 'us' in other to process her passport to visit her fiancée, it was jux a week thing, I was glad because we both seem to get along so well, she's a lot like Lilian but younger.,

By this time, I had stopped working, which was  what my husband wanted, I own a  bridal shop, so am either at home or at the shop,
Finally Amanda came, we talked a lot ladies stuffs, gossips and all..

Two day later, while my son was in school, I was in the living room on that faithful aftrnoon, seeing a movie on my iPad, when Amanda joined mi, she was seeing a program on the tv while I kept laughing at what I was watching on my iPad, she left where she was sitting and sat close to me as we watched together from my iPad, letter I felt Amanda's hand caressing my neck gently, I was so shocked to ask what was happening, maybe I was overreacting or thinking all positive,. when Amanda's hand touched my nipples I was totally mute, I kept quite all the way, and she went further and  I accept I culdnt stop her.. We did it and after it all, I went to have a bath while she went to the guest room, while I had my shower it was all like a dream, but unfortunately it wasn't. 
I and Amanda didn't talk about it the whole day,.
The day before she left, after dropping my boy off to school, I came home, after my bath I was preparing to leave to the shop when Amanda came to our room, 'I & my Husband's' I was surprised to see her coming to the room because it was her first time I guess!, she smiled at me and asked If I was heading out?, I nooded 'yes' and kept searching in the wardrobe for my cloths, I wore jux inner wears, as I hurriedly searched my wardrobe Amanda came close, asking other questions while my head was in the wardrobe, finally I took out a gown and turned facing her.. "She kissed mi none stop, touching me and I didn't stop her, we did it again.. And the next day she left..

I am older than Amanda, am married, with a son and yet, I can't figure out what holds she have over me,

Two months after Amanda left. She called me and ask if we could talk? I said alright, I asked her if she wants to come to the house? She said no, she asked mi to come meet her in a hotel, not in the restaurants or by the pull side or anywhere else, her invitation came with a room number..

I have been sleeping with my husband's younger sister, ever since,.
this is so weird  and bad, i don't hang out with Lilian as often because of guilt, I ask myself a lot,  I can't understand what is going on with me, 
Am so ashamed to tell anyone that knows me my story, I know I need help...

This is my Dark story...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 pm

    I suggest you go to the Church and confess it all to God, then secondly outrightly I mean face to face tell Amanda you and her cannot do it anymore and mean it.. Must importantly pray about it..
