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Michael Adebolajo to Claim He’s ‘No Longer a Soldier of Allah’ in Cynical Bid to Overturn Life Sentence

1 December 2014

Michael Adebolajo, one of the two men that killed soldier Lee Rigby, is preparing to renounce violence – in a
 cynical bid to get out of prison before he dies.

Michael Adebolajo, 29, was pictured with the fusilier’s blood on
 his hands as he ranted to a camera following the
 brutal murder outside Woolwich barracks in London. He had been in touch with extremists months in advance of the brutal murder.

Yet, according to a new report on MirrorUK, he is preparing a challenge to his whole life sentence on
 Wednesday in which he is expected to renounce violence as he
 seeks to reduce his time behind bars.

Accomplice Michael Adebowale, 23, has also been granted permission for
 a hearing to consider his  appeal against the length of his 45-year
 minimum sentence. They had received a reported £212,000 in legal aid before being
 granted the latest hearing in London.

Adebolajo’s sudden plan to renounce violence is being seen as a
 cynical ploy to get out of prison before he dies. A source close to the case said:    

“It is as if it has suddenly hit home with him what a whole life term
 really means. He now understands that he will never get out of prison, and he is
 going to be behind bars for the rest of his life. At his age it means the next 50 or 60 years without prospect of release. He is prepared to say he is not a ‘Soldier of Allah’ any more. It
 remains to be seen if the judges believe that.”

Both he and Adebowale, 23, of London, were described as British
 Muslim converts at their trial. Adebowale was said to have openly discussed murdering a soldier on
 Facebook, but that information had not been passed to the intelligence

Adebolajo issued a series of threats to the West in the immediate
 aftermath of the shocking murder, a bloody machete in his hand. He had described killing Fusilier Rigby as a “military operation” and
 claimed during his trial that he was a soldier fighting for his
 religious beliefs.  The Judicial Office confirmed he had renewed the challenge to his conviction
 and sentence.

“It will now be heard on December 3,” said a spokesman. It will come
 before three judges at the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

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