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Maheeda's Shocking 2015 Resolutions

9 January 2015

We all know self-acclaimed Goddess of ‘X’, Maheeda, to be the raunchy and carefree type. And as a matter of fact, she rocked our 2014 with some of the naughtiest photos.

But it looks like we might not be seeing the Maheeda we knew in 2014 anymore. That’s because the singer and mother of one has promised to dump her old ways for a new one and…prepare to be shocked by what you’re about to read.

Did you know Maheeda used to bleach her skin? Honestly, we didn’t too! But it’s the fact. A close source to her revealed that she used to bleach her skin, but has decided to stop it as part of her 2015 resolution. So, imagine you walking down the street and seeing this dark skinned girl who you thought looked like Maheeda but, on a second thought, you just passed by, ignoring her.

What this means is that ‘its bye bye to the light skinned Maheeda. We wonder what she’d turn out like now! Will her fans still like her after she goes back to her natural skin tone? 

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