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Bulgarian Bride Market where Poor Teenage Girls are Matched up with Future Husbands

2 March 2015

Photos have emerged of a Bulgarian 'bride market' where scores of young Roma women are paraded before potential suitors and their poor families given the chance to arrange financially beneficial marriages for their children.

The potential brides, who are among the most poverty-stricken people in their deeply impoverished region, are usually provocatively dressed, donning gobs of mascara, wearing flashy jewellery, towering heels and mini-skirts. And surrounding them in the car boot-like sale event are young men whose family hope to find them a wife at a good cost.

According to DailyMail, the 'bride market' holds four times a year. The event's reputation as a 'bridal market' goes back generations. The cost of a bride is between 5,000 and 10,000 lev (£2,200 to £4,300) . But prices are said to still rise for a 'very beautiful' young woman with many suitors.

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