First-time parents Kate and David Ogg
were heartbroken when they were told one of their twins – born 2 minutes
apart at just 26 weeks – had stopped breathing and had just moments to
live. Thinking it was the only time they would have with the tiny boy
they had already decided to name Jamie, Kate asked to be able to hold
the lifeless child, and told David to climb into the hospital bed for a
tender embrace.
What happened next was nothing short of a miracle.
In this mother’s loving arms, the little
boy started moving, and his breathing grew stronger. Hospital staff
rushed back to his aid and together brought the baby back to life.
Five years on,
Jamie Ogg (pictured right) is a healthy, happy kid whose biggest problem
regarding his troubled entry in the world is having a little brother
who tells anyone who’ll listen that he used to be dead but now he’s
After years of trying to fall pregnant,
the Queensland couple were delighted to find out they were having twins –
the ‘pigeon pair’ of a boy and girl.
But just six months into the pregnancy they found themselves in the delivery room and facing premature births.
Jamie was born first on March 25, 2010 and his sister Emily followed two minutes later.
‘They were both born in their sac but
Jamie didn’t make a noise when they tore it open. Emily let out a big
wail,’ Ms Ogg told Daily Mail Australia.
‘We looked over and everyone was crowding around Jamie – there was about 20 people in the room. The vibe wasn’t very good.
‘He stopped breathing and his heartbeat was nearly gone. After 20 minutes they stopped working on him.’
The doctor sat on the end of Ms Ogg’s
hospital bed and asked the couple if they had a name picked out. He then
informed them that there was nothing more they could do to save Jamie.
‘I saw him gasp but the doctor said it
was no use. I took Jamie off the doctor, asked everyone to leave. He was
cold and I just wanted him to be warm,’ she said.
‘We had tried for years to have kids and
I felt so guilty. I just wanted to cuddle him. I unwrapped him and
ordered my husband to take his shirt off and climb into the bed.
‘I know it sounds stupid, but if he was still gasping there was still a sign of life so I wasn’t going to give up easily.
‘We were trying to entice him to stay.
We explained his name and that he had a twin that he had to look out for
and how hard we tried to have him.
‘He suddenly gasped… then he opened his eyes. He was breathing and grabbing Dave’s finger.
‘If we had let the doctor walk out of the room with him, Jamie would have been dead.’
Jamie and Emily are now about to turn five years old and their parents have only recently told them of the miraculous story.
‘Emily burst into tears, she was really upset and she kept hugging Jamie,’ Ms Ogg said.
‘They love to talk about when they were babies.
‘They have a little brother Charlie who
loves telling anyone who listens. He’ll say: “When I was born I was fat
and the twins were skinny. Jamie was also dead but now he is alive”.’
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