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Kirk Franklin Slams Creflo Dollar For Deleting His $65 Million Public Appeal To Buy A Private Jet

25 March 2015

Popular prosperity preacher and tele-evangelist Creflo Dollar was a few weeks ago shamed into deleting a public fundraising campaign to raise $65 Million to buy a new private jet for himself. The money was supposedly to help him and his ministry “continue to blanket the globe with the Gospel of grace.”

The fundraiser urged 200,000 people to contribute 300 US dollars each to purchase the Gulfstream G-650 jet.

But many wondered why he needed to buy the most expensive private jet in the world, and why he needed to ask his congregation and the public to buy it for him. What happened to buying an affordable private jet with his own millions?

Now Kirk Franklin is in the news after a blog post he wrote recently went viral, with a part of it that seemed to criticise as “greedy”, a pastor asking people for money to buy a private plane. Kirk Franklin made his feelings known in article called “The High Cost of Character” on, writing;
When a pastor wants people to buy him a private plane while a missionary in Somalia bathes children with sores, that’s a shortage of character. When I camouflage my “greeds” to look like “needs,” that’s a shortage of character.

The popular gospel musician also referenced racial tensions in American colleges, especially a particular case with a fraternity at the Oklahoma State University. He wrote;
When young students are comfortable enough to sing racial slurs on a bus while furthering their education to someday lead a corporation that may have minorities apply for jobs, that’s a shortage of character…And it’s something you can’t teach in school.

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