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Five Great Ways to Have Date Night at Home

9 May 2015

By Jenna Brown

These days, finding enough time in your hectic life to really connect and enjoy your partner can be pretty tough. Between working, caring for the children, and carrying out the daily routines, there seems to be minimal time to really enjoy each other. While taking care of business is important, cultivating a relationship with your spouse or significant other is an ongoing process. Many couples introduce a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly date night that allows them to get away and reconnect.

Don’t have the money for an expensive night out on the town? Or maybe you don’t have a sitter willing to watch the kids? Don’t let that discourage you. What you don’t realize is that you can enjoy and reconnect with your significant other from the comfort of your own home. Now before you start frowning at the idea of having a date night indoors, check out these creative ways to spend time while saving a dime.

1.  Candlelit Dinner

If you’re looking for a little romance, what better way to attempt that then to share a meal together? Candlelit dinners can be a very intimate way to show appreciation for your significant other. Put the kids to bed early, pick out a nice recipe (or cook your favorite), and set the mood with some light music and candles.

If you’re really looking to put a spin on things, why not cook a meal together for your candlelit dinner? Cooking together can be so much fun, and is another way for you two to really get to enjoy each other’s company. If you’re not the best cooks, then start with something basic like a pasta dish and a salad. Even something as simple as cooking spaghetti and meatballs can be enjoyable.

2.  Make it a Game Night

If you’re looking for a little fun and friendly competition then considering a game night is also a great way to connect with your loved one. For game nights however, the more the merrier. So get on the phone and invite a few other couples to the festivities. You could do teams of guys verses girls or couples verses couples. There are tons of games out there so everyone should have fun. Whether you play a game of cards, a board game, or charades, you’ll have a blast bringing out your inner child together and having fun with others that you care about.

3.  A Massage for Two

Couples massages can be a great way for the two of you to unwind and relax. There are several massage therapists that will make house calls if you book in advance. Make sure that you have the space available for the equipment that might be used including a massage table or chairs. You can also set the mood by turning on some light music, adding a few candles, and even considering a bit of aroma therapy.

Can’t afford to have a professional come out to your home? No worries, there are other ways you can have a massage for two without the high price tag. In fact, with a few simple supplies and a few massage techniques, the two of you can take turns massaging each other. All you need to do is invest in the basic supplies, which might include things like stones, some aroma therapy candles, body massage oil and other accessories. You can then check online sources for various techniques to massage certain parts of the body that are distressed.

4.  Karaoke Night

Who doesn’t love heading out to the local pub, having a nice stiff drink, and sinking at the top of their lungs? Whether you can carry a tune or not, there’s just something about karaoke that makes you want to give it a try. Again, you’ll probably want a few other participants or an audience, so invite some friends over. Next you’ll need to brush up on your bartending skills so that you can make a few signature drinks for your guests to enjoy. Serve up some appetizers and you’re ready to sing the night away. You guys can take turns singing duets and having a blast while enjoying each other’s company.

5.  Personal Photo Shoot

If you’re looking for something creative but intimate to do with your mate why not consider a personal photo shoot? You get to dress up and be whatever it is you want to be while you take turns being the photographer. Playing dress up can be fun even as an adult. Get really creative and don’t hold back as the camera is on you. Once you’re done, the two of you can go through and create an album, or even a personal calendar to look at on the daily basis.

Each of these ideas is creative, spontaneous, and sure to help you guys reconnect as a couple. Remember, you don’t need a lot of money or a sitter to appreciate your partner. You also don’t need to go out if you’re more of the introverted type. Instead, put on your thinking caps and get creative in finding cool date night ideas that can be done in the comfort of your own home. Put the kids to bed, and enjoy each other’s company, even if its only once per month. In the end you’ll be able to appreciate each other more and will not start to resent the routine that your life has become.

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