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Korean President Kim Jung Un Demands Shorter/Tighter Skirt For Air Hostesses

27 July 2015

Kim Jong-un, the north Korean dictator has demanded female stewards on board his country's airline wear shorter,tighter and sexier skirts with belly showing crop tops.

The young leader called for women cabin crew on Air Koryo to show more leg and belly after personally overseeing a change in the company's uniform.

One person told The Sun: “Kim himself oversaw the re-modelling of the uniforms and granted the wearing of shorter skirts which are considered very daring.What do you think guys? Is Kim Jung Un a smart man with great business ideas or is the perv in him manifesting?



  1. I pity dose passengers

  2. Bassman1:46 pm

    Sexy face!

  3. Ah oga o

  4. Anonymous1:50 pm

    lolz, d man want 2 dey see ass on flight abi
