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Guess Who Is On Bikini Today? Caitlyn Jenner

10 August 2015

The most popular transgender Caitlyn Jenner has for the  first time wore a sexy white swimsuit and finally, Omg! She finally did it huh? She has finally decided to show it all as she swim with her friends in a pool for  the latest episode of the E! series I Am Cait.

65-year-old, Caitlyn who'd been reluctant previously to go public in a bathing suit, has finally let it open, I must say she's very bold taking off her cloths in pubic, she was chilling in secluded luxury villa in Napa Valley.

'It felt very freeing,' Caitlyn confessed of her decision why she did this, 'I did see my reflection in the glass and I looked pretty good.'

Just before taking a dip, she'd been seen choosing between two bathing suits and deciding against a black one picked out for her by Kim Kardashian.

Here is what Caitlyn said about Kim "I love my daughter Kimberly to death but this is one that she would wear,’jokingly  ‘It is probably a little bit more revealing in the cleavage department.' 

She also said 'Putting on a bathing suit represents a lot to me,' she explained. 'It is kind of scary because, you know, you are really exposing yourself. I am about as nervous as I can possibly be right now.' 

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