This chilling map reveals the calculated way ISIS plan to take over the world by 2020.
The terrorist group aim to control the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe within the next five years, the new map shows.
BBC reporter Andrew Hosken is the author of new book Empire of Fear: Inside the Islamic State, which includes the map drawn up of areas ISIS plan to take over.
The caliphate, a state governed by Sharia law, covers areas from Spain in the west to the border of China in the east.
Andalus, for example, is the Arabic name given to the parts of Spain, Portugal and France that were occupied by the Moors from the 8th to the 15th century.
A seven-step programme, dating back almost 20 years, includes the US being provoked into declaring war on the Islamic world between 2000 and 2003 and an uprising against Arab rulers between 2010 and 2013.
ISIS have up to 50,000 members and cash and assets of nearly £2 billion, partly thanks to their control of oil and gas fields in Iraq and Syria.
They have shocked the world with their barbarity and are responsible for the slaughter of 38 holidaymakers in Tunisia in June.
They boast about throwing men to their deaths from high buildings for being gay and have become notorious for the brutal murder of British and American hostages by UK terrorist Mohammed Emwazi, known as Jihadi John.
Hosken said: “They want to take over all of what they see as the Islamic world.
“Once they have their caliphate, they plan to turn against the rest of the world.
“They envisage the whole world being under their rule.
He told the Daily Record: “They have 60 nations against them, including the United States and Russia, so one would think that is pretty unlikely.
“But one would have thought the first steps were unlikely as well.
“They see us being under their rule too and having to abide by their ideology.
“They have already destabilised Iraq and Syria, they have tried to destabilise Saudi Arabia and Libya and recently they almost destroyed Tunisia’s main industry, tourism.
“And the worry is the longer they are there, the more likely it is they will develop biological or chemical weapons.
“If they had weapons of mass destruction, they would use them.
“There is no question about that.”
Despite the impression ISIS are a new terrorist organisation, their origins go back decades.
Hosken reveals in his book that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who founded the terrorist group that would later become ISIS, in 1996 described a seven-step programme that would lead to Muslim victory by 2020.
He said: “We were so close to destroying them back in 2010-11.
“80% of their leaders had been captured or killed and they ended up as a little rump.
“We didn’t finish them off and like a cancer they came back.”
With a lengthy air strike campaign
failing to halt ISIS’s brutal rampage, David Cameron is facing calls to
send ground forces into Iraq and Syria.
“There is a danger it would be a rallying cry to Muslims around the world to come and a join them.
“Islamic State want to be seen to be fighting the West.
“They think a lot of Muslims around the world would then see that as Muslims under attack and would join Islamic State.
“For them it would be a big recruitment drive.
“This is what they want.
“The name of their magazine is Dabiq, which is a town in Syria where their Armageddon, the final battle between them and the West, takes place.
“So it could be a bit of an elephant trap.
“But at the same time, there are people saying if we don’t go in, we’re going to bestuck with Islamic State because the air campaign doesn’t seem to be working.
“We’re on the horns of a dilemma.”
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