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Britain Woman Aborted Unborn Baby For A Nose Job

4 October 2015

How can a woman born by another woman do a thing like this? If her mother had decided  to abort her for a nose job or for any other reason will she be alive today?

Josie Cunningham who checked into a clinic last week to get rid of her unborn child, enabling her to create the face she believes she needs to be a porn and glamour model.

A series of doctors had told her the cosmetic surgery was too risky.

Josie, who terminated the unplanned pregnancy at 12 weeks, told the Sunday People:

“I’m having this nose job no matter what gets in my way. Pregnancy was a major obstacle and an abortion was the answer to it – so that’s what I did. Anyone who criticises me for putting my looks ahead of an unborn child has no right until they’re the ones putting food on the table for my kids.

I don’t care what anyone thinks. My body, my decision.”

The mum of three from Leeds went on:

“I put my life on hold for my other kids. But now is my chance to get the looks I need so I can have the ­career I always wanted. And I’ll love the money.”

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