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Mariah Carey's Sister Arrested For Prostitution

29 August 2016

Mariah Carey's older sister was arrested on a prostitution charge on Friday, and according to the police anyone who may have had a sexual encounted with her especially unprotected intercourse is adviced to see their doctor.

According to Mecury news, Alison A. Carey, 55 years old, HIV positive was arrested after soliciting money in exchange for sexual favors from an undercover police officer posing as a client.

When she was arrested Carey identified herself as the sister of the performer.

Alison was advertising her services on the Internet, and according to her posting, had been working out of the hotel for about a week.

Her statement;

"Im a pretty lady looking for guys who are looking to have some fun and get into a world of pleasure that other woman just can't provide to you, a woman with the ability to make the earth move for you and to get you to see stars, oh yea with me its,"ITS SUCH A SWEET,SWEET FANTASY BABY, WHEN I CLOSE MY EYES I COME AND TAKE YOU ON AND ON." 

Carey  was arraigned in Saugerties Town Court and sent to the Ulster County Jail in lieu of $1,000 bail. She is due in Saugerties Town Court on Tuesday.

In March, Alison who is HIV Positive sent out a public plea to Mariah Carey to help her with medical bills  and said she was dying. She noted Mariah refused to reach out to her. Her brother, Morgan Carey also branded Mariah a witch for abandoning them.

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