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Beyonce Broke Dad Sells Daughter's Old Dvd's & Photos in Massive garage Sale (photos)

24 December 2014

Beyonce's dad is trying to make ends meet by unloading tons of her souvenirs from her career in a massive garage sale which also features Solange stuff  in the bargain bin.

As we've told you Mathew Knowles is having baby mama troubles which might explain why he started selling off some Bey treasures outside his office in Houston last Friday.  

According to TMZ, as of Monday, there were plenty of items available including a giant Beyonce poster for $200, old tour books for $20, and various pieces of House of Dereon clothing. On a budget? You can find a Solange CD for $1.96.

In the non-Beyonce aisle Mathew's also selling office furniture so, it looks like a total fire sale.

We're told Mathew shunned an attempt to haggle the oversized Beyonce poster down to $145 standing firm at two hundy. Daddy's baby needs a new pair o' shoes.

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